Tuesday, November 27, 2012


corpulency Obesity is the state in which a person has profusion body weight due to high levels of risque accumulation. It leads to both(prenominal)(prenominal) health-related problems among individuals living with it and its impact is especially felt in urban field of forces. Obesity is measured using the Body Mass top executive [BMI]. BMI is calculated by dividing the mass of the person kilograms by the squargon up of the persons height in meters; the formula is therefore, kg/m2. Obesity is classified by the World Health transcription [WHO] into three broad categories. Measurement between 35-40 BMI is classified as severe corpulency; between 41-45 is morbid obesity; plot of land between 45-50 is super obesity (WHO). Among the many effects of obesity are heart malaises, lower life expectancy and diabetes (Dollman et al, 892). due(p) to the many problems that work been variously associated with obesity, the phenomenon has attracted a lot of fill from several researchers seeking to find out its causes and the way in which it can be controlled. WHO views obesity, and rightly so, as one of the study health concerns of modern day living (WHO). There has been some level of debate on whether the allegations by health practitioners rough the effects of obesity are well founded. One area in which such a controversy exists is the 1999 discovery of the Obesity Survival Paradox.
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The paradox occurs when some highly obese individuals have a high survival rate despite their determine (Schmidt, 486). Another area that has raised eyebrows is why people with equivalent lifestyles do not always develop obesity at the same rate. No real explanations were found until the discovery of leptin in 1994. Leptin is a hormone produced by the adipose tissue in the body that helps signal enough storage of fat in the body. It helps regulate food intake by signaling when stored fat is high so that food intake is stopped and vice-versa (Hamann & Matthaei, 293-4). Individuals who are highly prone to obesity have been found to... If you loss to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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